When I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition (small fiber neuropathy) no one discussed this one principal that plagues EVERY DISEASE known to man….mitochondrial dysfunction?
So what is it?
Mitochondria are membrane bound organelles present in almost all cells. Responsible for orchestrating cellular energy production (ATP, they are central to the maintenance of life and the gatekeepers of cell death. They are the key to reversing your disease process, improving energy and vitality!
FUN FACE: You inherit these “snazzy” powerhouses ONLY from your mother!
Now what your basic biology book won’t include about mitochondria is that their health determines MOST of yours! If you suffer from a chronic condition, neurodegenerative disease or even cancer, your issue lies within the mitochondria.
Here are 21 things you need to keep on top of for mitochondrial resilience:
1. Magnesium 2. Limit alcohol 3. Avoid fluoride 4. Eat breakfast (low carb = more ATP, metabolic water made in the mitochondria) 5. Methylene blue (acutely) 6. Daily Grounding (morning especially - FREE ELECTRONS) 7. Red light therapy (increased ATP, metabolic water production) 8. Eat lots of seafood (DHA) 9. Eat seasonal foods 10. Cold thermogenesis 11. Avoid negative people 12. Eat a nutrient-dense diet (meat, fat, organs) 13. Don't negotiate your sleep (create a sleep sanctuary, cold dark room) 14. No nnEMFS in the bedroom 15. High-intensity interval training 16. wear natural fiber, not polyester 17. Drink mineral water, not tap water 18. Watch sunrise, midday sun and sunset 19. Avoid artificial light as much as possible 20. Wear blue light blockers or use candles at night 21. Use high-quality seasonal & animal fats, no seed oils
For more in-depth information on how to optimize your mitochondria, check out one of my favorite podcasts covering the topic here
LEARN to apply Mitochondrial Principals with my Autoimmune Fundamentals Guide for beginners, where I cover the top 3 modalities I used to reverse my own disease process.
STAY TUNED for an upcoming newsletter on the BIGGEST TOXIN Disrupting Mitochondrial Function….
Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood health nerd,
Hello ..if one is low income what can on do?
You say no Fluoride but our current now added it in so how to deal with that in a Rental as well?
If can get mineral water what else can l do?
When you say no artificial light are you speaking TV, computer, phones? Or also light in house?how to avoid and do you wear blue blockers all day ? Inside ? I have had box foods as low income when you speak nutritional dense food is that also greens? Why just fat and meat?
Emf is anything plugged in right??? What about sleep machine l have apnea..
If in Canada it's cold many months what is seasonal if stuff is transported?