We’ve all been told that the human body is 70% (give or take) water conent, that 2/3 of our being is the miraculous 3 phrase atomic structure H2O, but this isn’t entirely the case!
Mitochondria actually run 10 degrees C warmer than the rest of the cell. Why is this? Well, you remember that mitochondria make biologically pure, toxin-free, deuterium-depleted water, right? (if not stay tuned for a future newsletter) The water in our cells is not the same as the liquid H2O “bulk water” we find in a glass of water from the faucet. It’s actually been found to be an entirely different phase of water altogether.
You may recall from grade school science class that water supposedly exists in three phases: solid, liquid and gas. However, newer research has found that water also exists in a fourth phase called “exclusion zone water” (EZ water), a phase of water that is structured like ice but still a liquid.
Before I jump into the amazing characteristics of EZ water, let me first take you inside of a human cell. Again, I was misled by all my biology textbooks. When I pictured a cell inside my body, I pictured something resembling a bag of fluid with various organelles, molecules and proteins swimming around and randomly bumping into each other to create reactions.
Boy, was I mistaken. Gerald H Pollack (author of the book 4th Phase Of Water) has really opened my eyes as to what the inside of a cell, but suffice it to say, the inside of a cell is packed full of an architectural protein called the cytoskeleton. Among other things, the cytoskeleton provides structure and anchoring points for all the other proteins and organelles (such as mitochondria) in the cell. And this cytoskeleton is EVERYWHERE, like an all-pervasive spider web crisscrossing its way all throughout the cell’s interior. Connected or very near this cytoskeleton are thousands of organelles, proteins and molecules. In other words, the inside of the cell is more crowded than a hoarders home.
Going back to EZ water - this fourth phase of water - it’s important to recognize that EZ water forms its fourth phase whenever it comes into contact with a “hydrophilic” or “water-loving” surface. It turns out that almost every protein, molecule and organelle in the cell has a hydrophilic surface. This means that EZ water spontaneously forms around everything in a packed cell.
EZ formation is enhanced by exposure to light. Specifically the infrared spectrum can cause the EZ to expand hugely. This means that when we expose our bodies to
This is important because what Gerald Pollacks work suggests is that this EZ water (which is also negatively charged) can act as a HUMAN BATTERY driving energy through out the body.
As our lifestyles have been driven more and more indoors our exposure to this “infrared light” (which makes up nearly 50% of the suns full spectrum) has become LESS and LESS. In turn we’ve seen rises in almost every chronic condition from diabets to cancer. Could this lack of metabolic water be a driving factor?
This is a topic Tristan and I dove into in our recent podcast with Gerald Pollack Over at “Decentralized Radio” - LISTEN HERE
Again it amazes me how light plays such a critcal function in our physiology and state of health!
One way i like to keep my EZ pumping is through red light therapy which contains the inrared spectrum - I personally use the firestorm from EMRTek - FOUND HERE (use code RMB 20 for 20% off your red light purchase if you so choose, this helps support my work and further educating people)
I urge everyone reading ot spend as much time in the outdoors under natural light this weekend as possible and BUILD YOU EZ!
Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood health nerd
Thanks, health nerd!
Sorry you had to write this while you were experiencing a pendicitus! We’ll done